Mason and Jamie's Economics Page
  Chapter 1 Econ Summary  What is Economics?   Jamie Ramseyer

Mason EliasMr. Treadway |Period 3

Overview  The chapter "What is Economics?" is about scarcity and how there are unlimited wants but limited resources.  

Key Terms Want- things people desire to have


Resource- anything used to produce goods or services


Scarcity- condition in which our wants are greater than the resources availible to satisfy those wants


Opportunity cost- the most highly valued opportunity or alternative fortified when a choice is made


Trade-off- a situation in which more of one thing neccesarily means less of something else


Production possibilities frontier- graphic representation of all possible combinations of two goods that an economy can produce


Rationing device- a means for deciding who gets what portion of the availible resources and goods


Economics- the science that studies the choices of people trying to satisfy their unlimited wants in a world of limited resources


Marginal- additional


Incentive- something that encourages or motivates a person to take action


Microeconomics- branch of economics that deals with human behavior and choices as they relate to relatively small units


Macroeconomics- branch of economics that deals with human behavior and choices as they relate to the entire economy


Tangible- able to be felt by touch


Intangible- not able to be felt by touch


Goods- anything that satisfies a person's wants or brings satisfaction


Utility- quality of bringing satisfaction or happiness


Disutility- quality of bringing dissatisfaction or unhappiness


Land- all the natural recourses found in nature


Labor- physical and mental talents that people contribute to the production of goods and services


Capital- produced goods that can be used as recources for further production


Entrepreneurship- the special talent that some people have for searching out and taking advantage of new business opportunities and for developing new products and new ways of doing things


Comprehension/Critical Thinking and Writing 1. There are many ways a production possibilities frontier can illustrate choice and opportunity cost. When you make decisions you are always choosing what and what not to do.     A ppf illustrates choice by a person having to choose between how much of one good they want and how much of a different good they want because there are not unlimited resources. A ppf also illustrates opportunity cost by a person choosing to give up a certain amount of one good in order to produce more of another good.     All in all, a ppf is a very easy way to see the choices you make and what the opportunity costs are.     2. Before making a decision you must weigh the positives and negatives of that decision. As well as the positives and negatives of a decision you must also know why you are making that decision.     In general, a person wants to choose an activity if the benefits outweigh the costs. Most of the time, if the costs are greater, a person will choose to not do something. Incentives play a role in decision making because they encourage someone to take action. For example, most kids have no motivation to do chores. However, if they are offered money to do that chore, he/she would be given an incentive and be motivated to do that specific chore.     Overall, if you do not consider positives and negatives of a decision, you might not reach the goal that you were motivated to reach.